Toilet Unblocking in Northern Ireland

Remove any blockages in your toilet with expert help from TPS Drain & Sewer Clearing.

Our Services

prevent wastewater damage.

Do you have problems with the drainage in your toilet? Is the water draining slower than usual? Our specialists work quickly to address any issue with your toilet, removing blockages and delivering any necessary repairs to minimise the impact on your property and prevent wastewater damage.

TPS Drains Van 1

Reliable Solutions

As well as the risk of costly damage, blocked toilets can lead to unpleasant odours affecting your home. We understand the urgency of handling drainage issues in your bathroom, which is why we act rapidly to provide reliable solutions and offer expert advice to help you prevent future blockages.

Get in touch with TPS for 24/7 toilet unblocking services.

Contact Us TOday

We have the power to clear your drain within 4 hours and we are also fully insured. So, If your pipes are blocked or your drain is overflowing, don't delay, contact us today!